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(Start Date: NOV 01, 2024)

Become a Certified Email Marketing Specialist And write emails that command $2,500-$5000 in fees from high-paying clients... every single month!

(Includes Expert-Led Training, Hands-On Writing Assignments and Professional Feedback...)



Before we dive into the details and how you can join, let's face the hard truths about copywriting.

Earning from copywriting while juggling a day job can often feel like an impossible dream.

You have to figure out what to learn out of the sea of options available and then actually decide where to learn from…

Oftentimes, you have to learn many things at the same time – Website copywriting, landing page copy, white paper writing, UX writing, Product description writing, blog writing…

Just to find what is easy, that you like, and valuable enough for clients to pay you a lot of money for…

The whole process can be overwhelming:

And you go through this cycle over and over again…

Standing by the sideline, watching other people succeed from writing.

Maybe they have more time on their hands, or Maybe not; you can see they are crushing it.

And there you are, taken many copy courses, wasted time and money, with no real progress and still can’t earn from copywriting.

My name is thejirejacob; I am the founder of Nigeria’s first structured copywriting Academy - Crushitcopywriting (CIC).

And if you can relate to any of the things I just said above, I’m excited to share with you an easy-to-master copywriting skill you can start learning TODAY. With the Email Marketing Accelerator, you could generate up to $5,000 a month in as little as 45 days after you apply what I teach.

But just before that…Here are some testimonials from Graduates who have taken my trainings at Crushitcopywriting

"I was writing articles and blogs for peanuts before I joined the CIC academy..."

Now I have been able to quit my former job and I landed a better role as an ads specialist in a writing agency. In addition to this, I have worked with clients in the UK and Canada on different forms of copy and they paid me well for my services. This is my fifth month in the academy and I have already made x5 of investment in the program.
CIC Graduate

"The practical insights I have been searching for..."

The CIC program gave me the practical insights I have been searching for. I have realized my first $1,000 after taking the course and recently landed a $600 gig to write a couple of emails. I can now confidently interact with prospects, close them and help them move their business to the next level. Best decision!
CIC Graduate

"I am one of the top three writers in my current job..."

I joined the program to improve my grammar and writing because it cost me my previous job. Right now, I'm one of the top three writers in my current job. In less than 3 months, I have earned over £1000 from my writing and I am already looking at starting my own writing agency. I can tell you the difference is clear and have greatly improved. Thankful for this opportunity.
CIC Graduate

“I landed high projects with THREE tech companies that paid me six figures each.”

The CIC program exposed me to the deeper world of copywriting. After the program, I landed high projects with THREE tech companies that paid me six figures each. I also got some retainers because of the quality of work I delivered. These retainers pay me at least 300k per month. I should have made the leap a long time ago.
CIC Graduate

And if you can relate to any of the things I just said above, I’m excited to share with you an easy-to-master copywriting skill you can start learning TODAY. With the Email Marketing Accelerator, you could generate up to $5,000 a month in as little as 45 days after you apply what I teach.

And here is WHY...


Email marketing is predictable, making it a valuable skill business owners want to pay for… they need YOU to write those awesome emails!


Email copywriters make BIG money! up to $5,000 per month writing emails and managing email lists for clients.


Learning to write emails is easier and quicker than other copywriting forms, letting you make money in no time.


Mastering email marketing opens doors to a wider digital marketing world, boosting your earning potential.


Work from anywhere you want! ️Work remotely from anywhere, earning dollars, pounds, or Euros while exploring the world or chilling at home.


Everyone needs emails, so there's always work! No more boring job hunting; you'll be in high demand!


Do you love stories and making people happy? Email marketing lets you do both while earning big bucks!

As soon as you enroll in the Email Marketing Accelerator Course, you will get access to the following modules:

Week #1: Kickstart Your Email Copywriting Journey

Value: ₦30,000

Week #2: Building Your Email Copywriting Foundation

Value: ₦50,000

Week #3: Emails That Convert: Techniques & Formulas

Value: ₦60,000

Week #4: Designing Your Portfolio and Securing Clients


Week #5: Building Your Client-Winning Brand on LinkedIn

Value: ₦120,000

Plus Three-Month Access to Training Videos & Study Materials

Value: Priceless

get certified and gain global recognition

Upon completion of the program, you will also be certified as an Email Marketing Specialist, which you can use to demonstrate your expertise when seeking to work with clients.

But that’s not all! Level up and stand out! Become an unstoppable email marketer with these exclusive bonus trainings:

#1 Bonus Training

Promo & Spam Avoidance Techniques: Nothing is worse than a great email that never reaches your audience or gets read. You will learn the techniques that will keep your emails away from spam and promo tabs and achieve at least 97% inbox domination.

Value: ₦50,000

#2 Bonus Training

Email Compliance Mastery: Dive deep into domain verification processes like DKIM, DMARC, and SPF to stay compliant and improve email deliverability.

Master this vital skill, and you’ll be the go-to expert for ensuring business emails hit the mark—every time. Guarantee compliance and deliverability and you can charge a lot more for your services.

Value: ₦100,000

#3 Bonus Training

LinkedIn Marketing Planner: Attract & retain high-quality clients with a 30-day action plan.

Our 30-day LinkedIn plan gives you a step-by-step guide to market your skills and find email clients ready to pay you. It’s all about clear steps that help you land jobs quickly.

Value: ₦30,000

#4 Bonus Training

The only 3 AI prompts you will ever need: Discover three powerful AI prompts that will take your email from “bleh” to breathtaking.

Value: ₦40,000

#5 Bonus Training

Upwork Mastery: This exclusive bonus training reveals the 3-minute Upwork Success Secrets to help you attract profitable clients fast. Master the Upwork Mindset Strategy to target high-value projects and follow our step-by-step guide to create a winning profile. Plus, discover 4 Proposal Angles that make your bids stand out and use the Upwork Optimization Checklist to avoid costly mistakes. Ready to boost your income on Upwork? This training is for you!

Value: ₦70,000

#6 Bonus Training

Build a Minimum Viable Marketing: A common struggle for writers is having no clear income goal, undefined offers, and an unclear pitching strategy. This training simplifies it all, guiding you to build a sustainable, goal-driven marketing plan that leads to consistent earnings.

Value: ₦50,000

#7 Bonus Training

Crafting winning proposals: Unlock the psychological secrets to land more clients with high-converting proposals. In this bonus training, I will empower you with proposal tactics that you can use to win email jobs on sites like Upwork and other Freelance sites. There is no such thing as too many clients 🙂

Value: ₦50,000

#8 Bonus

Private Email Club Membership: Join a vibrant community for ongoing support, networking, and knowledge sharing. This is where you will get access to the secret techniques and frameworks I use in my own business.

Value: Priceless

Total Program Value (if bought separately): ₦1,050,000

How much does it cost to join the Email Marketing Accelerator Program?

Think about it—traditional marketing education or hiring consultants could easily cost you over ₦500,000.

The EMA on the other hand teaches you invaluable skills without the hefty price tag, making it an incredible investment in your future.

Yet, you won’t be paying anywhere near that.

Instead, your investment for this comprehensive program is just ₦35,000

Shocking right?

I wanted to make this program accessible to YOU — who is looking to build a profitable writing business and make enough money to no longer be at the mercy of your 9-5.

How liberating will that be for you?

However, this special enrollment price won’t last for long. In fact, it’s only available for the first 50 students…


Because this is a 100% practical personalized coaching workshop. This exclusive approach guarantees the mentorship and resources you need to succeed.

By not enrolling NOW, you miss out on potential earnings far exceeding the price of the course.

Imagine landing just one client contract worth ₦250,000 from the skills you acquire—multiple times the investment of ₦35,000.


✅Make a Transfer of ₦35,000 to the following account and send the payment receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com

Account Details: Zenith Bank / The Elitefold Int’l Limited / 1016146003.

✅Send a receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com with your email and first name “OR”



Some Feedback from the Last Cohort…

Before EMA, I thought email marketing was just about writing emails. The program has opened my eyes to so much more—it's about crafting persuasive messages with the right structure and measuring success through key metrics. The modules are exceptionally rich, and I particularly enjoy the live sessions where tutors provide detailed guidance, clarity, and answers to our questions. The topics are well-explained and broken down for easy understanding and assimilation.
EMA Graduate
This EMA program is a "PAY LESS AND GET MORE" program. The course's structure—from the live sessions to the practical class activities—has been an enlightening journey. It felt as though the instructors were guiding me by hand, anticipating and answering my questions before I even asked them. I regret not sharing this valuable experience with friends sooner but look forward to doing so. This is a PAY LESS & GET MORE 5 weeks intensive program.
CIC Graduate
EMA has provided value that far outweighed my initial expectations! The live sessions are valuable for interaction and clarity.To put it simply, I would say, the value I have received so far outweighs my initial expectations. What the EMA has done for me is to demystify email marketing.
EMA Graduate
I've enrolled in various courses before, but none have delivered the structured, high-value experience I've found in the EMA program. This has been an incredibly rewarding learning experience, and I confidently recommend EMA to anyone looking to start a career in email marketing. It's a rare gem!
EMA Graduate
I am now applying the knowledge gained in the course in my clients’ email campaigns. Through studying ad copy in the CIC-EMA program, I've mastered critical aspects such as headline effectiveness, power words, emotional tone, and strategic call-to-action placement. The live sessions, particularly insights from Jireh on how ad copy is assembled, have helped my confidence and skills, setting me on the path to a successful career in copywriting.
EMA Graduate
The course structure is superb, the curriculum is unrivaled, and the tutors are on top of their game. The process of scoring class activities and allowing retakes is something special and helps us grasp what’s taught in the course even better. The live sessions are the best thing to happen to the students because they provide an opportunity for clarity in areas where students are lost.
EMA Graduate
I’ve learned essential skills, including how to write compelling email copy and build customer avatars. The course also demystified the psychology of buying and selling, revealing that people make purchases based on emotional reasons. Applying these principles of persuasive writing, I recently convinced a friend to proceed with a birthday photoshoot, demonstrating the real-world effectiveness of the strategies taught.
EMA Graduate
Unlike other courses, EMA truly prioritizes our success over profit. The modules in the EMA program are expertly crafted and concise, divided into short, manageable videos that I love. These lessons have been invaluable in mastering how to write winning copy. Unlike other courses, the EMA team prioritizes capacity development over profit, focusing intently on our success.
EMA Graduate


So if this appeals to you,

✅Make a Transfer of ₦35,000 to the following account and send the payment receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com

Account Details: Zenith Bank / The Elitefold Int’l Limited / 1016146003.

✅Send a receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com with your email and first name “OR”



Email marketing is eternal! I know this because I have used email marketing and simple email writing techniques in my business to generate over $100K in revenue.

I have also experimented with almost ₦8,000,000 of my own money advertising on Facebook and Instagram and selling via email.

Here is PROOF:

For argument’s sake, let’s say I paid Facebook ₦ 400 to put one email in my marketing engine; with that budget, I have generated 19,139 (Nineteen thousand one hundred and thirty-nine) emails to develop my email copywriting and marketing skills and generated over $100K revenue sending simple emails.

So you can learn from ME!

Plus, all the secret techniques I use to keep an engaged, active list, so you can use the same to help businesses sell more of their products and get paid a lot of money in return.

And once you master this simple skill, you can sell your services to business owners or use it to sell your own idea online!

One other thing I want to point out with the Email Marketing Accelerator Program is that we have “Assignments” to help you sharpen your skill and build a winning portfolio. So, this workshop is for those willing to get their hands dirty and take massive action.

My team will check your assignments and give you professional feedback, which you must act upon before you qualify for the email marketing specialist certificate.

So, to recap…

The 5-Week Email Marketing Accelerator Program includes access to:

Let’s go over Pricing:

As far as I know, this is the only Expert-Led Email Marketing Program in Nigeria and surprisingly AFFORDABLE!

Remember, the one-time tuition fee of ₦35,000 is only available for the first 50 students!

While we don’t increase the price based on a set schedule, the value and demand for this training are growing.

Investing now means securing your training at today’s price, avoiding any future increases as we expand and enhance our offerings.

✅Make a Transfer of ₦35,000 to the following account and send the payment receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com

Account Details: Zenith Bank / The Elitefold Int’l Limited / 1016146003.

✅Send a receipt to helpdesk@elitefold.com with your email and first name “OR”



Here's Why Joining the Program TODAY is VERY Important:

Let’s be honest here. You won’t find any online email marketing course (worth its salt) priced below ₦150,000. More often than not, these programs are led by instructors who’ve barely dipped their toes into email marketing for their own businesses.

What does this mean for you? At best, you’re heading out for information readily available on Google or YouTube.

But here: You’re learning directly from a seasoned marketer who’s not just talked the talk but walked the walk—applying these strategies time and again, with proven success to show for it.

Let’s be clear: This isn’t a “cheap” course. But my goal is to make it accessible, especially for those finding their footing in the online writing world. That’s why I’m offering it at ₦35,000.

But here’s the catch—it’s only for the fast action takers, exclusively for those ready to take their skills to the next level before the price adjusts to its true value.

Use the magic link below and pay directly on Paystack.

Got Questions? Let's Dive Deeper!

Once you make payment, please email us at helpdesk@elitefold.com with evidence or click here to contact our support. After confirming your payment, you’ll receive a confirmation email and immediate access to the private email membership club, where you’ll learn the next steps.

Learn from a seasoned marketer with proven success, not just theoretical knowledge. Our program focuses on practical, actionable skills that lead to real earnings.

Success in this program hinges on several factors, but taking massive action with the knowledge gained is key. My students and I achieve remarkable results by fully committing to the work required. This isn’t a shortcut to quick cash; it demands real effort and dedication. If you’re not ready to put in the work, this program might not be for you.

Absolutely! The program is designed for busy schedules, offering a fast track to mastering email marketing without overwhelming your time.

Yes! Whether you’re a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, our program guides you through every step to becoming a proficient email marketer.

We cover not just writing skills but also how to market yourself effectively, secure clients, and negotiate rates that reflect your value using LinkedIn.

Enjoy expert-led training, hands-on assignments with professional feedback, and access to a vibrant community for ongoing support and networking.

You gain access to self-paced learning on our study portal with weekly live Q&A sessions for personalized support

Your enrollment covers all course materials, live sessions, and bonuses. There are no hidden fees.

All live sessions are recorded, allowing you to catch up at your convenience within the 3-month access period.

Yes, email marketing offers the flexibility to work remotely, allowing you to earn from anywhere in the world.

The Early Bird Price is ₦27,600, available for the first 50 students or until the specified deadline, providing an affordable entry into the world of email marketing.

Given the comprehensive nature and value of the Email Accelerator Course, we do not offer refunds for this program. Rest assured, we’re confident in the transformative potential of this course to help you achieve remarkable results.

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